Chemical Engineering Student Society(ChESS)
Let’s Speak Chemistry!

"I think your website is beryllium!" (read as brilliant)

"That's a pro-phosphorous idea!" (read as preposterous)

"I can't be arsenic-ed!" (read as arsed)

"This is so boron!" (read as boring)

"Pick it up off the fluor-ine!" (read as floor)

"Lith-ium alone!" (read as leave him)

"This is a-bismuth!" (read as abysmal)

"I've got a bad gold" (read as cold)

"Is she Indium?" (read as Indian)

"Did he have a car-bon?" (read as car bomb)

"Pass the lattice" (read as lettuce)

"Would you like a polo-nium t?" (read as polo mint)

"Can you iron my shirt please?" (read as iron)

"I can't bar-ium" (read as bare him)

"Can they cur-ium?" (read as cure him)

"Caes-ium!" (read as caese him)

"That was so-dium good" (read as so damn)

“How many have we done sul-phur?” (read as so far)

"Keep your i-on the ball" (read as eye on)

"A friend of mine pierced his tung-sten" (read as tongue)

"A-cid that one" (read as I said)

"A-mine the other one" (read as I mean)

"You're too easily lead" (read as lead)

Julian: "My trousers keep falling down!"

Nick: "This man-ga-nese a belt!" (read as man needs)

Nick: "We need to get so many things for our cat"

Julian: "I don't think we'll be able to remember them all"

Nick: "Well then we will have to make the cat-a-lyst!"

”I zinc we are done because all the other jokes ar-gon!”

from: icheme-utp
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